« Sponsor Teddy Rocks Festival »

Our sponsors and partners are simply vital to the success of the festival.

Together we can provide the community a weekend of entertainment, bringing together all ages and backgrounds through a love of music and drive to provide emotional support to children and families undergoing treatment for cancer and finanical support for those struggling to meet the costs of their child’s treatment.

Our plan is very simple, to cover every single cost through sponsorship. This means that if we cover all the costs, everything the event makes can go straight to Teddy20 our fully registered Children’s Cancer Charity. Not only is this a good deed from yourself or business, it is a fantastic PR opportunity and an event that can give a huge amount of coverage and positive press towards your company.

In return for sponsoring the festival, we can offer you space to advertise your business.

Leading the fight with donations and direct support for children with cancer

Teddy Rocks Festival will not be possible without the support of our partners and the sponsors




Sponsor Teddy Rocks