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Press Pack

Thank you for your interest in the Teddy Rocks Festival! Please follow the guidelines below.

Website Links

Our website link is written either as teddyrocks.co.uk or https://teddyrocks.co.uk.

The website link should not be written with the http protocol, or with the www. prefix.

Logos & Photos

Please download the following high resolution web & print logos, and follow the included style guide (PDF)

Download High Resolution Web & Print Logos, and Photography

More photography

Some of our favourites are included in the download above.

You may also use any photos from our latest gallery that you feel best illustrates your article. We would appreciate it if you could credit the photographer accordingly. Click a thumbnail for a larger version and the credit.


If you cannot find a photo that suits your needs, or for more information, please contact [email protected].


If you would like some text about how the festival started and what it is about, please use copy from our story page.


Leading the fight with donations and direct support for children with cancer

Teddy Rocks Festival will not be possible without the support of our partners and the sponsors




Sponsor Teddy Rocks