Fighting Children's Cancer With Rock

By 2023 we had raised
To help fight children's cancer

A message from our director

Hey! Tom here,

Thanks for your patience whilst we figure out what you lovely people have raised by coming to Teddy Rocks Festival 2023. So here we go…

Our goal every year is to raise as much money as we can for the most incredible cause, supporting children with cancer. With the world giving us some interesting times to navigate, our other goal is to keep the festival alive during these pretty turbulent times, all whilst bringing you the best and safest event we can.

Covid nearly broke us, but we survived. Then came along the cost of living crisis…. and we have more than survived.

At a time where festivals are folding almost weekly due to everything going up and infrastructure getting more and more expensive (crazy expensive!) we are going to be giving something truly amazing away.

I cannot stress enough that 100% of profit made from this event goes straight in the pot. We are run entirely by volunteers who dedicate a huge amount of time and effort to bring you an amazing, safe, wonderful festival. Hall and Woodhouse run our bars for FREE. They donate every penny of profit from the bars into the event. They are the engine room to help cover costs and fight towards our vision with us. Imagine a brewery of that size stepping up and not making a penny to keep us going? Truly inspiring and overwhelmingly kind, we are so lucky that they believe in us. They’re not just our main partners anymore but more our friends. A huge shout out to all of our other sponsors who standby us every year to keep us going, we love you dearly.

I am unbelievably proud to announce that Teddy Rocks Festival 2023 has raised...


Every single penny of that will very shortly be on its way to support the most incredible charities and enable them to do some seriously good work. Keep an eye out over the next few weeks to see where this is going!

I’m not going to lie, we really wanted to hit £100,000. But… thanks to the weather coming in just 30 hours before our gates opening, we had to do everything we could to make that festival safe and ready for you to come and enjoy.

Our team worked around the clock, through the night to make sure those gates opened on time and that you could all safely enjoy our festival. It was a heroic effort from our crew and amazing landlords at Charisworth Farm, but safety is something we will never compromise, but sadly on this occasion it’s robbed us of our goal. On Thursday we couldn’t get the beer truck in, on Friday thousands were dancing to the vengaboys - that was an amazing effort from the team.

So a massive well done to our incredible team who dug deep in some really difficult conditions to pull it off…. WE DID IT!

On a personal note and on behalf of my family, thank you to everyone that makes this happen. We are more than just a music festival. We are a festival for the people, trying to help the little people who need it.

However hard it gets, however stressful it may be at times, it is nothing in comparison to what children living with cancer have to deal with and the hell their families all endure.

Teddy Rocks Festival will always be here trying to do the good work.

Tickets are on sale now for 2024 and they are flying out! If you want to see this figure raised jump up again and again then buy those tickets! We can’t do this without you! It’s as simple as that, buy a ticket and let’s do it all again next year,

Ted, I miss you dearly but your name lives on my man! All for you bro 🐻❤️


2023 saw the return of Teddy Rocks Festival favourites Feeder, playing their second festival with us. Jake Bugg and #1 Album winners Reytons were also top of the bill with Those Damn Crows finally playing the festival having had to pull out last minute from 2022 due to an injury.

To mark the festival's 10th year, the Friday lineup was a little bit different than usual. A pop party was in full swing as the Vengaboys brought the Vengabus to Blandford, topping a lineup that also includes East 17 and Goldie Lookin Chain.

Sunday's Vocalzone Stage lineup was organised by We Broke Free

Our 6th stage was introduced, the Expressions Lounge, featuring a variety of entertainment including comedy, jam sessions and even a mystic.

We also got to reflect back on the previous year's festival and the survival of the pandemic years

2023 Photo Gallery

Teddy Rocks Festival will not be possible without the support of our partners and the sponsors




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